The intravital microscopy technique allows studying cell trafficking in the most physiological context by looking
directly into organ microcirculation of living animals.

Digital movie acquisition allows precise quantification of different aspects of cell recruitment, such as speed of
rolling or duration of arrest, by means of frame-by-frame image analysis.

The intravital microscopy facility is complemented by the 2-photon microscopy facility, to study microenviron-
mental positioning of migrated cells.

IMMUNOALZHEIMER microscopy facility

Zeiss Axio Examiner A1 and Zeiss Observer 7 microscopes for live imaging.

Zeiss Axio Examiner A1 Microscope
Microscope for fluorescence wide-field microscopy for intravital microscopy studies. Immunoalzheimer microscopy facility.

Leica Two-photon Microscope
Administrated by dr. Erika Lorenzetto

Zeiss Observer 7 Microscope
Inverted transmitted light microscope equipped with wide-field microscopy (Colibri), definite focus 2 and virtual
filtering. The system is equipped with thermostated camera for long term cell and organ culture observation
and analysis. Immunoalzheimer microscopy facility.

Zeiss Axio Imager Z.1


Transmitted light microscope equipped with different optical contrast methods, including phase contrast, DIC,
black field and polarisation. Wide-field fluorescent microscope with structured illumination (Apotome and
Colibri). The stage is fully automatised to allow automatic multiple field acquisition (X, Y Scan) and Z scan to
allow optical sectioning and 3D volume reconstruction. The system is controlled by Zen blue 2.6 and several
module for automatic image acquisition and analysis. The microscope is equipped with 2 videocameras for
high resolution high resolution image acquisition. The system is connected with a data center for image
storage and analysis. Immunoalzheimer microscopy facility.

Leica Confocal Microscopy
Administrated by dr. Erika Lorenzetto